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جامعة عدن

جامعة عدن

اتفاقية التعاون مع الجامعات الايطالية

اتفاقية التعاون  مع الجامعات الايطالية

جامعة ساليرنو للدراسات


أسم الجامعة

عام توقيع الاتفاقية

مدة الاتفاقية

مجال التعاون



جامعة ساليرنو للدراسات

4/5/2002 (عدن)

30/3/2003 (بنها)


أربع سنوات من توقيع الاتفاقية، وفي حال طلب التجديد أو الفصل أو التعديل بسبب التقييم المشترك يجب أن يصدر وفق قناعة وحاجة الأعضاء

1.  المادة الأولى: تعملان الجامعتان وفق الاتفاقية التالية:

    العمل على تعزيز وتقوية البحوث الميدانية المشتركة

    تنظيم العلاقات الدراسية بغرض تطوير وتأهيل الدورات التدريبية من المستوى ألتأهيلي الأول والثاني في رسالتي الماجستير والدكتوراه.

    رفع مستوى التبادل فيما يخص الأساتذة والباحتين و الطلية والتقنية الإدارية للفرد.

2.     المادة الثانية: 

على كل منهما توسيع التعاون المتبادل في المشاريع ذات البحوث المشتركة في مجالات العلوم التطبيقية والاجتماعية والإنسانية كذلك على أن يمتد إلى القطاعات الأخرى التي تتطلع إليها.

3.       المادة الثالثة: 

    يجب أن تعد الأهداف سلفا على أساس التكافؤ المتبادل بمواصفات عمل البرنامج في دقة التفاصيل المالية ويجب التركيز على تطوير البرنامج وفق المعلومات التالية:

    منشأ وطبيعة تفاصيل المشروع أو البرنامج.

    أسماء المنسقين والمشاركين في البرنامج من قبل الجامعتين.

    مدة المشروع وتحدد من قبل الجامعتين.

    تحديد المصروفات المرتبطة وذلك وفق حركة الأساتذة والطلبة والإداريين وبصورة عامة برامج أنشطة المشروع نفسه (مؤتمرات والندوات ....الخ)

4.     المادة الرابعة: 

على كل من الجامعتين. ترشيح مسئوليها ومنسقي الأنشطة التي ستبدأ بموجب هذه الاتفاقية.

5.     المادة الخامسة: 

يجب تحديد تواريخ الاختيارات والاعتمادات التي ستحدد من قبل لجنة تتكون من خمسة أعضاء (2 منسقين و2 من عناصر الجامعتين وعنصر يتم اختياره بناء على موافقة الجامعتين).

يجب أن تكون الدورات الدراسية  مقررة من قبل الجامعة المرتبطة بالاتفاقية مع طلب تحويل الاعتماد.

6.     المادة السادسة: 

اختيار الممتلكات التي تأتي وفق النشاط المشترك والمتفق علية من قبل الجامعتين.

7.     المادة السابعة: 

تأمين سلامة الزائر يتم عبر وثيقة تأمين مقترحة أو استمارة مأخوذة بياناتها من وثيقة تأمين دولية أو اعتيادية ويرتكز على الدولة المقصود إليها الدعم الصحي في حالة الوباء أو المرض خلال الفترة التي سيقضيها الشخص في الجامعة المعنية.

1.  اتفاقية تعاون أكاديمي.

2.  أبرمت باللغة العربية.

3.  انتهت صلاحية الاتفاقية.

4.  في حال حدوث نزاع يصدر قرار ملزم التنفيذ ملحق بالاتفاقية أو يرسل إلى كلية خاصة بفض النزاعات بحضور عضو أو ممثل من كل جامعة.

PISA University(Award of a Double Master Degree)


Field of cooperation



Name of the Corporation


1)   Implementation Programme

2)   English language


1)Article1: Subject of the agreement (The present agreement concerns the release of double master degree between UA and Unipi under this agreement student admitted to the degree

 The titles concerned are

     Laurea Magistrale in Orienalistica Egitto,Vicino e Medio Oriente.

     Master Degree in studies on the near and middle east for UA

     Article 2 Entry requirements

     Students who have completed an undergraduate course in an Humanistic discipline are eligible to apply for admission to this Double master Degree program

     To be admitted to graduate standing an applicant must in general have attained such a scholastic record and present such recommendation as to indicate fi



University of Pisa

Award of a Double Master Degree


PISA University(in the field of Archeology  )


Field of cooperation



Name of the Corporation



1)Both universities will henceforth work actively in order to establish scientific collaboration that will result in the improvement of the curriculum implemented in the archaeological department of Aden University.

2)Pisa University will provide Yemeni students with the opportunity to enroll in its post – graduate programs in the field of Archeology and ancient Inscriptions with the potential of joint academic supervision.

3) Both universities will engage in joint projects in Yemen, among which will be the collection and study of ancient Yemeni engravings and inscriptions, falling under the primary project of logging and registering Yemeni  inscriptions and engravings on the CASIS electronic network.

4)Both universities will study the possibility of execution joint archeological digs in Yemen in contribution to the further discovery, study and publishing of data regarding ancient Yemeni civilization and ensure training opportunities.

5)Aden University will issue work permit to the general authority on archeology and museums in light of the agreement of cooperation between the university and the authority.

6)In the field of museums and restoration of archeological remnants, the Italian side will provide opportunities for employees and students of Aden University to participate in training programs and / or courses in Italy.

7)In the spirit of academic contribution , the university of Pisa will assist the university of Aden in developing the various aspects of the archeological museum at Aden university such as improving display methods, preparing the restoration laboratory and furnishing it with  the necessary equipment , in addition maintenance of various devices and equipment that are unavailable on the Yemeni market.

8)Both universities will cooperate in welcoming researchers from members of the teaching staffs of universities.

9)Both universities will agree to the exchange of periodicals, books and journals.      

Five years

And it'll possibility of automatically renewed, n the basis of a written agreement submitted at least three months before the validity of the original agreement document expires 

Oct. 2009


PISA University

in the field of Archeology 


University of Florence


Field of cooperation



Name of the university 


1)          agreement of cultural & scientific cooperation

2)          English & Italian language

3)          The following coordinators, appointed by each university:

-         Prof. Pietro Amedeo Modesti from Florence university

-         Prof. dr. Ali Ahmed Ali from Aden university

Art.( 1):

Units & Field of Study & Research:

1)    The two universities intend to establish an exchange program initially in the field of medicine.

2)    The units in the two universities are the faculty of medicine and surgery.

Art. (2):

Purpose of the agreement and types of collaboration.

1)    Exchange visits of members of teaching and research staff of the units mentioned.   Visits are intended to promote seminars, courses, conferences, lectures to carry out joint research projects, to discuss experiences infields of common interest, and so forth.

2)    Circulation of publications and information on the specific fields of study and research included in this agreement and on any other subject of relevant interest.

3)    Exchange visits of post-graduate students for periods of study and research.

4)    Student exchange for the purpose of attending courses, participating in professional training and specialization programs or administrative staff when considered a profitable experience.

Art. (3):

Supporting Activities:

1)     Administrative bodies subscribing this agreement will exchange all relevant information – by supplying catalogues and other materials- to promote greater and mutual knowledge on their institutional structure and organization.

In conformity with laws and regulations of their respective countries, subscribers of this agreement will provide to visitors from the partner institution all possible assistance and access to facilities to enable them to carry out the activities agreed upon.

Art. : Funding:

Each of the subscribing parties commits itself, through its participating units, to search funds to carry out the activates foreseen by this agreement, the institution sending its members t the foreign partner is responsible for covering their travel expenses, while room and board are covered by the host university.  The administrative units of the Univ. of Florence participation g in the exchange will be in charge of covering travel expenses to their members and room and board to their foreign visitors.  If institutional fund aren't available for these purposes, student and staff mobility will be possible, in this case exchange visitor s will be directly responsible to fully cover their own expenses for travel, room and board, without any charge for the two universities.

Five year,  valid for one year, it'll be tacitly renewed from year to year, unless notice of termination of the agreement is given by one of the two parties at least six months before expiration.



University of Florence


PISA University


Field of cooperation



Name of the university 


1)    Agreement of academic cooperation

2)    English language

3)    Any specific program shall be subject to mutual consent, availability of funds and approval of each university.

1)    The parties are wishing to:

              Enhance the international relations between the two universities.

              Develop the academic and cultural interchange in the different subject areas.

              Increase the international mobility of the undergraduates, the graduate students and the PhD students who will spend study and training periods at the two universities.

              Promote research in the field of common interest and consider the possibility to access funding through the 7th Research Framework Program and other international research programmes.

              Promote other kinds of cooperation that will be considered useful for strengthening the relations between the two universities in the research and in the other exchange activities

              Agree to cooperate and work together toward the internationalization of the activities.

2)    The program may include:

              Joint supervision of PhD dissertations in subjects to be subsequently identified through implementing protocols.

              Exchange of faculty members.

              Joint research projects

              Joint conferences.

        Joint cultural programs

        Exchange of students of school specialization.

Two years

And it'll be automatically renewed from year to year, however, after the initial period either university may terminate the agreement at the end of a given year by giving six months notice in writing of such intent.



PISA University


Istituto agronomico per I'Oltremare


Field of cooperation



Name of the university 


1)       framework agreement

2)    English language

3)Financial contributions will provided by the parties 

The activates to be put forward will be as follows:

1) Training courses

2)Workshops and symposia on specific themes and topics

3)Exchange of researchers:

4)Implementation of joint researches

5) Implementation of development cooperation projects in the field of agriculture, rural development and environmental protection. 

Two  year


Istituto agronomico per I'Oltremare


Rome university "La Sapienza"


Field of cooperation



Name of the university 


Agreement of cooperation

General Framework Agreement regulating direct cultural

Drawn up in Rome ( Italy ) in four original copies, two in Italian language and two in English language

1- exchange of visits by scholars

2- participation in research programs.

3- exchange of scientific information, documentation and scientific publications

4-study meetings, seminars and courses on the subjects laid down in the agreement. 

Three years,  it'll be automatically renewed for an equal period "expressed by either of the parties three month before expire at least".      


Rome university "La Sapienza"


The  University of Rome Tor Vergata Italy


Field of cooperation



Name of the university 


The Istituto Agronomico per l’O;trematerbased in Florence Italy is the unique body of the Italian Ministry of foreign affairs for technical assistance technology transfer and applied research in agriculture and environment .  

1)    Research collaboration in the fields in the fields

2)    To achieve the aims under article

                 Exchange of visit .

              Exchange of information documentation and scientific publications.

              Study meeting seminars and courses on subject matters

                    Exchange of teachers for short period of teaching

                 Exchange of students.

3)    The expenses are to be met by the university according to reciprocity .

4)    It will be communicated to the host university two monthes before the planned starting date of the visit.

5)    The agreement is personally responsible to apply for a personal medical coverage and insurance assistance during the period spent abroad.

6)    Intellectual property rights define

7)    The conventions falling under this present decree foresee the resolution of possible controversies concerning the interpretation and the carrying out .

The present agreement will remain valid for 3 years it may be renewed for same period upon request of one of the parties forwarded to the other party at least three months before expiry


The  University of Rome Tor Vergata Italy


