آخر تحديث :Thu-25 Apr 2024-10:01PM
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جامعة عدن

اتفاقية التعاون مع الجامعات الالمانية

اتفاقية التعاون  مع الجامعات  الالمانية

مركز المرأة للدراسات النسوية والجندرية - جامعة كارل فون ازسسيتزكي - اولدينبيرج


أسم الجامعة

عام توقيع الاتفاقية

مدة الاتفاقية

مجال التعاون



مركز المرأة للدراسات النسوية والجندرية - جامعة كارل فون ازسسيتزكي - اولدينبيرج


ثلاثة سنوات ويمكن تجديدها لفترات زمنية إضافية مالم يطلب احد الأطراف إلغاؤها قبل 6أشهر من انتهاء الاتفاقية

1)     تبادل المحاضرين والباحثين

2)     تبادل الطلاب

3)  تطوير المناهج والبرامج لعلمية ذات الاهتمام المشترك

4)     تطوير المشاريع العملية المشتركة.

5)  تشجيع أي نشاط آخر ذو اهتمام مشترك فيما يخص القضايا الأكاديمية العلمية

6)     تشجيع أي اهتمامات ثقافية.

1) اتفاقية تعاون.

2) أبرمت باللغة العربية والانجليزية.

3)  انتهت صلاحية الاتفاقية.

4) وقعت من قبل مدراء مركز المرأة وعمدت من قبل رؤساء الجامعة.

كلية العمارة والهندسة المدنية في ديساو - جامعة أنهالت للعلوم التطبيقية – بيرن بورق


أسم الجامعة

عام توقيع الاتفاقية

مدة الاتفاقية

مجال التعاون



كلية العمارة والهندسة المدنية في ديساو - جامعة أنهالت للعلوم التطبيقية – بيرن بورق


ثلاثة سنوات ويمكن تجديدها لفترات زمنية إضافية مالم يطلب احد الأطراف إلغاؤها قبل 6أشهر من انتهاء الاتفاقية

1)  تبادل توجيه الدعوات لإلقاء المحاضرات واستقدام الأساتذة الزائرين بغية التدريس والبحث العلمي.

2)     تبادل إيفاد الطلبة .

3)     إقامة الندوات العلمية المشتركة.

4)  التعاون في أبحا علمية مشتركة والإشراف المتبادل عليها.

5)     تبادل المطبوعات.

6)  يتبادل الجانبان المعلومات حول الندوات والمؤتمرات العلمية والمشاريع العلمية التي تحقق في مجال اختصاصهما.

7)  لتسيير أمور المشاريع يعين كل جانب أستاذا مسئولا يتولى مهام الإشراف.   ويتم الاستفادة من طرف ثالث بشان المساعدات المالية.

1) اتفاقية تعاون.

2) أبرمت باللغة الألمانية واللغة العربية.

3) انتهت صلاحية الاتفاقية.

4) تتحمل الجهة الموفدة نفقات السفر والجهة المستقبلة نفقات الإقامة.

5) وقعت من قبل عميد كليات الهندسة وعمدت من قبل رؤساء الجامعة.

كلية التاريخ والفنون والدراسات الشرقية -جامعة لايبزيك


أسم الجامعة

عام توقيع الاتفاقية

مدة الاتفاقية

مجال التعاون



كلية التاريخ والفنون والدراسات الشرقية -جامعة لايبزيك


خمسة  أعوام وتجدد تلقائياً مالم يطلب احد الأطراف إلغاؤها قبل 3أشهر من انتهاء الاتفاقية

1.  تبادل توجيه الدعوات لإلقاء المحاضرات واستقدام الأساتذة الزائرين بغية التدريس والبحث العلمي.

2.     تبادل إيفاد الطلبة .

3.     إقامة الندوات العلمية المشتركة.

4.  التعاون في أبحاث علمية مشتركة والإشراف المتبادل عليها.

5.     تبادل المطبوعات.

6.  يتبادل الجانبان المعلومات حول الندوات والمؤتمرات العلمية والمشاريع العلمية التي تحقق في مجال اختصاصهما.

7.  لتسيير أمور المشاريع يقوم كل جانب بتعين أستاذا مسئولا يتولى مهام الإشراف.   ويتم الاستفادة من طرف ثالث بشأن المساعدات المالية.

1) مذكرة اتفاق.

2) أبرمت باللغة الألمانية واللغة العربية.

3) لازالت سارية المفعول

4) تتحمل الجهة الموفدة نفقات السفر والجهة المستقبلة نفقات الإقامة.




Hanseatic Institute For Entrepreneurship And Reginal Development (University of Rostock)


Field of cooperation



Name of the University 


1.     Letter of intent for  cooperation

2.      English and Germany   language

3.     signed by dr. Abudul Aziz Ben Habtoor & dr. Gerald Brauns


1. promote mutual understanding and collaboration both in education and research.

2. develop programs of faculty, administrative staff and students exchanges.

3. create channels of scientific information exchange.

4. work together in a multidisciplinary manner with the view to bridging gaps between institution of higher education and regional actors.

5. promote an integrated approach to regional development.

6. work toward common initiatives in the field of entrepreneurship promotion programmes.

7. cooperate in the application for funds in research , training and exchange


Four years and will be renewed for an additional year if neither of two contractual partners has given written notice of cancellation at least three months before the contract expires




University of Rostock


Bauhaus- university Weimar


Field of cooperation



Name of the University 


1) English language wrote

2)  agreed minutes of the consultations

3) signatur  by Dr. Saleh M. Mubarak


1)    Exchange of lecturers.

2)    Exchange of students, practicing students, undergraduates post graduates students.

3)    Cooperation in conferences and researches.

4)    Exchange of publications and translation of technical books in Arabic and German languages.

5)     Exchange of experiences on the organizing and syllabuses of the engineering curricula.

1.     Support the Alumni organization of the Yemeni graduates from the Bauhaus university Weimar.


March 02, 2010


Bauhaus- university Weimar


University of Oldenburg (Carl Von Ossietzky)


Field of cooperation



Name of the University 


1) Agreement of cooperation

2)  English and Arabic  language

3) The both are to appoint a person to assume official responsibility for the maintenance and promotion of cooperation partnership basis: for the University of Oldenburg : Dr Lydia Potts. University of Aden Dr Ali Alsagaf  & Dr. Rokhsana Ismail.


1)  The signing arties will cooperate in the areas of research and teaching, as well as in other scientific and academic areas.  In particular, the following areas will be emphasized :

  exchange of faculty members

  exchange of students \exchange of publications

  joint research projects

The nature and extent of each cooperation project will be established in supplementary agreements between the contractual partners.

2)  The cooperation will be carried out by:

  The University of Oldenburg: School of Linguistics And Cultural Studies, as well as The ZFG (The Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Women and Gender.

  The University of Aden:

1.                             Faculty of Managerial Sciences

2.                              Women's Research Training centre (WRTC).

Four years and will be renewed for an additional year if neither of two contractual partners has given written notice of cancellation at least three months before the contract expires



Carl Von Ossietzky

University of Oldenburg


University of Oldenburg (The carl von Ossietzky)


Field of cooperation



Name of the University 


1)    scientific cooperation

2)    English language wrote

3)    signatur  by Dr. Rokhsana M. ismail


        Exchange of teaching and research personal

        Exchange of students for  practical training.

        development of courses and academic programmes of mutual interest

        development of joint scientific and or technological research projects.

        promotion of any other activity of common interest , regarding , scientific , and technological research activities

        promotion of cultural events.

Effect for 3year and renewed for additional period by mutual consult of the parties to the agreement both parties reserve the right to terminate provided written notice is given six months prior to the termination date



University of Oldenburg (The carl von Ossietzky)



University of Rostock (Institute fur Biowissenschaften Meeresbiologie)


Field of cooperation



Name of the university 


1)   Agreement of Bilateral Cooperation in Biology field

2)   English language

3)   Working Plan for (2009-2011), still continue

4)   Enclosed is the draft for the financial plan 2009(In dependence on support  by DAAD) for the other years it will be prepared between the two partners according to the frame conditions and possibilities of funding through DAAD.

5)   The university of Aden will provide  during the project activities in Yemen accommodation inland transport

 other necessary facilitates

6)   The project  Managers are:

-        Rostock:

  Dr. Wolfgang Wranik

-        Aden:

Dr. Abdulaziz A. Moqbil

Biodiversity, Marine Sciences and Nature Protection in Yemen-Education & Research project.

1.     The proposal of this project is to covers the following gals:

a.     Didactic and conceptional cooperation for raising the quality of teaching in the fields of Marine sciences, Zoology, Biodiversity and Nature protection.

b.     Cooperation and support in the establishment of reference collections and biological exhibitions, especially at the centre for environmental studies and sciences.

c.         Cooperation in organizing field activities for students and small scale research projects in the fields of marine sciences, biodiversity and nature protection under participation of  Yemeni and German students and graduates.

d.     Guidance of Yemeni graduate students in marine science projects.

2.     Project Description:


Stay of 3 Yemeni staff members (senior lecturer, lecturer, junior lecturer) in Germany subsidized through grants (up to one month).


Stay of up to 5 German students and graduates per activity in Aden.

2009: 2weeks

 Workshop  " Biodiversity, Coastal management and  Nature Protection in Yemen"

2010: 4weeks

Training course "Coastal Management and Methods of benthic work field work lectures, special courses and on the job training.

Discussion and presentation of the results, preparation of data and results for teaching purpose.

2011: 4weeks

Training course "Reference Collection and Biological Exhibitions"

Lectures, courses, practical exercises, field trips and on the job training.

preparation of and illustrated guide book "Marine Biotops to the Yemen coast in gulf of Aden", including a DVD (both in Arabic and English) which could be used as a source for education and field work at Aden university and Yemeni schools and as a reference in public environmental work.

Three  years


University of Rostock (Institute fur Biowissenschaften



University of Rostock (Faculty of Medicine)


Field of cooperation



Name of the university 


1)       Agreement of the bilateral cooperation

2)        English language

3)    Singed by Dean faculty of medicine and health sciences


1)    Both sides will strive fro cooperation in the areas of education and research.   They will support the exchange of scientists, doctoral candidates and students for information, study work visits and surgical camps as well as for guest teaching positions, continuing education and joint interests in teaching and/ or research.

2)    The partners support the education of doctorates within the framework of dissertation visits at the partner institution and the exchange of students by:

        Demanding no tuition fees from students/graduates from the partner institution (fees to be paid at registration don't count as tuition fees).

         Granting assistance with the extension of scholarships.

        Offering orientation and care-taking programs.

        Agreeing on both sides in advance to recognize and award credit for student achievements at the partner institution

3)    Both sides support the sharing of the publications, teaching materials, and or research reports.

4)    The inform one another about scientific events and secure facilitation within the bounds of possibility in case of participation interest of the partner

5)    The research cooperation ensues according to the following topics:

1)        internal medicine

2)    tropical medicine

3)    public Health sciences

up to now cooperation has started at the following topics:

        prevention and dental health

        oral medicine

        orthodontics / speech therapy

        interdisciplinary treatment of malformations of the head and face

6)    The persons involved in the exchange are responsible for sufficient insurance coverage in foreign countries, especially health insurance (including medical evacuation and repatriation). The partner institutions assume here no liability.

Ten years, renewable automatically for ten year again.


University of Rostock

(Faculty of Medicine)



University of Rostock


Field of cooperation



Name of the university 


1) Agreement of Bilateral Cooperation

2) English language

3) In order to implement the goals the parties will make use of own financial sources. Besides these they will make efforts to obtain financial aid from national and international institutions

4) The university of Aden will allocate fund of 600e to student participation in and exchange programme at the university of Rostock  

1)    Cooperate in preparation and implementation of research projects agreed on. The parties will elaborate common scientific programmes which aim at the solution of research tasks relevant for both parties.

2)    Cooperate in education, training and continuing education of students (undergraduate, graduate level), young researchers (postgraduates) and scholars. For this purpose they the support the exchange of scholars, PhD students and students for site visits, study and research projects, teaching , continuing education and joint projects in teaching and or research .

3)    Support the exchange of graduate students by

        Demanding no tuition fees from students/ graduates from the partner institution (fees to paid at registration don't count as tuition fees).

        Providing help in gaining scholarships

        Offering orientation and support programs.

4)                  Support the exchange of scientific literature and research material either through university libraries on the basis of the regulations of both universities or in the form of their direct exchange between scholars.

5)                  Further the organization of bilateral symposiums and inform each other about scientific events.

6)                  To foster and promote international education and scientific cooperation by jointly initiated   the research projects which  shall include but not be limited to projects in biotechnology and biodiversity in agriculture, environmental protection, marine, biology, medicine and dentistry.  

Five years, renewable automatically.


University of Rostock


University of Weimar


Field of cooperation



Name of the University 


1) English language wrote

2)  agreed minutes of the consultations

3) signatur  by Dr. Saleh M. Mubarak


1)    Exchange of lecturers.

2)    Exchange of students, practicing students, undergraduates post graduates students.

3)    Cooperation in conferences and researches.

4)    Exchange of publications and translation of technical books in Arabic and German languages.

5)     Exchange of experiences on the organizing and syllabuses of the engineering curricula.

1.     Support the Alumni organization of the Yemeni graduates from the Bauhaus university Weimar.




University of Weimar



Anhalt University of Applied sciences 


Field of cooperation



Name of the University 


1)    scientific cooperation

2)    English language wrote

3)    signatur  by Dr. Saleh M. Mubarak


1)    Exchange of teaching and research personal

2)    Exchange of students for  practical training.

3)    development of courses and academic programmes of mutual interest

4)    development of joint scientific and or technological research projects.

5)    promotion of any other activity of common interest , regarding , scientific , and technological research activities

6)    promotion of cultural events.

Effect for 3year and renewed for additional period by mutual consult of the parties to the agreement both parties reserve the right to terminate provided written notice is given six months prior to the termination date



Anhalt University of Applied sciences

