آخر تحديث :Wed-05 Feb 2025-07:46PM
جامعة عدن

أستاذ .مساعد.د.شفيقة أنور فقير

Shafiqa Anwar Fakir
Institute of Languages
University of Aden
Khormaksar - Aden (Yemen)
Email: shafiqafakir@gmail.com / shaf_106@hotmail.com



2006 - 2010

PhD in English with concentration in Applied Linguistics.
The University of Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee, USA.
2000 - 2002
MA in English with concentration in English Literature.
University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa, USA.
1994  - 1997
Bachelors of Arts and Education. Majored in English.
University of Aden, Aden, Yemen.
Passed O”Level G.C.E Examination. University of London in six subjects.  Examination Center: Mohammed Ali Othman School Taiz (Yemen)
1976 - 1988
Primary – Secondary
Comprehensive International School
Aden - Yemen

Work Experience

May 2010 - present
Courses Taught at the MA Level at the Department of English - College of Education (University of Aden)
�  Writing for Academic Purposes
�  Research Methods I
�  Research Methods II
Courses Taught at the BA Level at the Department of English - Institute of Languages (University of Aden)
�  Intermediate and Advanced Grammar
�  Business Communication
May 2010-2012
Head of the English Department (Institute of Languages / University of Aden)
2007 to 2010
Teaching Assistant at the Intensive English for Internationals (IEI), University of Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Responsibilities—teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) to non native speakers of English.
Courses Taught at the Intensive English for Internationals Program (University of Memphis)
�  Intermediate / Advanced Grammar
�  Listening / Speaking
�  Writing
As part of the dissertation research, worked on designing and implementing the assessment portfolio at IEI.
Teaching Assistant at the English Department (University of Memphis)
Course Taught to Freshman:
Composition 1010
1997 to 2006
Instructor of English Language at the Institute of Languages, University of Aden.
Courses taught:
Intensive English Courses
General / Academic English
Business English
Training Experience
Four day training of teachers funded by ADRA
AMIDEAST teachers--teaching writing using the process approach (2 hours / 1 day session)
Five day training workshop funded by ADRA
Co-presented at TNTESOL (Tennessee - USA) a paper on “Teaching Grammar Using the PowerPoint.”
Presented a paper on “Islamic Feminism” at a workshop at Oldenburg University (Germany).
2000 - 2002
Fulbright Scholarship to complete a master’s degree at the University of Northern Iowa. Iowa, USA.
2007 – 2010
Received a Certification of Recognition from the Women’s Center at the University of Aden.
Received a Certificate of Appreciation from the Intensive English for Internationals (IEI) – University of Memphis (Tennessee, USA).
Received a Certificate from the Department of English, University of Memphis (Tennessee, USA) ‘In Recognition of Outstanding Achievement in ESL (English as a Second Language)’.
Received Ruth and Henry Loeb Scharff Scholarship
Awarded as Teacher of the Year (Institute of Languages – University of Aden).
Received funding from the US Department of State and AMIDEAST to participate in an academic exchange program in the US.


Arabic (fluent), English (fluent), Urdu (very good)
Computer Skills
Microsoft Office Applications (Windows, Power Point, Word, Internet Explorer).
Reading and Writing short stories; supporting women empowerment activities.