Educational Qualification:
-Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Medicine (1977-78), University of Bucharest/Romania
-Master of Science (MS) in Gastroenterology (1989), University of Bucharest/Romania
-Doctor of Science (PhD) in Hepatology (1992), University of Carol Davila/Romania
- Assistant Professor (1995), Aden University.
-Associate Professor in Medicine (2005), University of Aden
- Professor in Medicine 2011 , University Of Aden
Courses &Training:
-Courses in medical teaching skills
-Courses in continuous medical education
-Training course in computer related knowledge & computer application: (Windows, Word, Excel, Power point & Internet Programs)
Conferences &Workshops:
-Workshop in recent trends in medical education
- Workshop in educational strategies in curriculum development
- Workshop in trends in assessment of clinical competence
- 1st Yemeni medical conference –Saana Yemen
- 1st International congress of Nephrology- Aden Yemen
- 1st Yemeni Diabetes Mellitus congress-Saana Yemen
- 1st Yemeni-Italian medical conference
- 1st Yemeni- Canadian medical conference
- 1st, 3rd Yemeni conferences of sciences
- 1st International-Yemeni- Cuban medical conference
- 6th Pan-Arab congress in gastroenterology-Sharja-Emirate
- 8th International congress in gastroenterology, hepatology & infectious diseases Alexandria-Egypt
- 11th International congress in gastroenterology & hepatology-Romania
- 1st Yemeni Conference of cardiology-Aden Yemen
-2nd Yemeni Conference of pediatric & gynecology-Aden Yemen
-1st Jubileum Anniversary & 3rd congress YPA Aden Yemen
- 2nd Saudi-Yemeni conference in immunity & allergic diseases Taez Yemen
- 2nd Arab health congress –Dubai Emirate
- 2nd Gastroenterology conference- Dubai, Arab Emirate.
-Director General of Health Services-Aden governorate
-Vice director for academic affairs Al-Gamhourea Teaching Hospital- Aden
-Head of medical department Al-Shaab Hospital Aden
-Head of medical department-faculty of medicine & health sciences-Aden University
- Yemeni Gastroenterology & Hepatology Association
- Yemeni Cancer Association
- Yemeni Red Crescent Association
- Arab Gastroenterology & Hepatology Association
� Sudden death & Alcohol abuse
� Prognostic risk factors in evolution of hepatitis B virus
� Prevalence of HBsAg among hemodialysis patients- study of risk factors
� Prevalence of HBV among Yemeni patients with hepatocellular carcinoma
� Pattern of upper gastrointestinal diseases in Al-Gamhourea Teaching Hospital-Endoscopic study-Aden
� Prevalence of silent gallstones among Yemeni female-study of risk factors
� Prevalence of HCV among hemodialysis patients in Al-Gamhourea Teaching Hospital-Aden
� Effect of cardiovascular diseases on liver dysfunction-Review article
� Immune mediated liver disorders-Review article
� Medical facts of HELLP syndrome- Case report
� Behavior changes due to Salmonellosis-Case report
� Causes of upper gastrointestinal bleeding-Endoscopic study
� Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes in Aden Governorate
� Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C (CHC), Aden
� Seroprevalence of Anti-HCV in High Risk Patients Admitted to Al-Gamhourea Teaching Hospital in Aden, Yemen
� Prevalence of Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and its
� association with metabolic syndrome in adults people living in Aden
� Prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus among Patients with Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Aden
� Prevalence of hepatitis B and hepatitis C virus co-infection in chronic liver disease patients admitted in Al-Gamhourea Teaching Hospital, Aden, Yemen
� Epidemiological and clinical profile of acute viral hepatitis in Aden, Yemen
� Prevalence and associated risk factors of viral hepatitis in chronic liver patients admitted to Al-Gamhourea Teaching Hospital.
� Seroprevalence study of Helicobacter pylori infection among peptic ulcer bleeding patients in Aden, Yemen
� Factors contributing in-hospital mortality in cirrhotic patients with gastro-esophageal variceal bleeding
� Clinical Study of Malaria Complications among Adult Patients Admitted to Al-Gamhouria Teaching Hospital – Aden
� 70 ( Health Education ) articles in daily journals.