آخر تحديث :الثلاثاء-22 أكتوبر 2024-01:13م
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استاذ مشارك د. مهدي أحمد عبد الله الحاج

البيانات الاساسية

تاريخ ومحل الميلاد

11/12/1959م  / شبوة

تاريخ التعيين


تاريخ الحصول على الدكتوراه

2000م  جدانسـك – بولندا

الدرجة العلمية الحالية

أستاذ مشارك

الوظيفة الحالية

عميد كلية الصيدلة

التخصص العام


التخصص الدقيق

كيمياء دوائية

تلفون المنزل والموبايل


تلفـون: 777373515

البريد الالكتروني


الدرجات العلمية

بكلاريوس:  صيدلة

ماجستير: نبات الأدوية

دكتوراة: كيمياء دوائية


·        1984 - 1985: Pharmacist and Prepared a Local Pharmaceutical Preparation at Al-Gamhoria Hospital, Aden, Yemen.1986 - 1988: Post -graduate student at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Kalina, Bombay University, India.

·        1989 - 1994: Pharmaceutical Analyst at the National Quality Control Laboratory, Aden, Yemen.

·        Since 1995: Lecturer and Researcher at the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Aden University, Yemen.

·        1997 -2000: Post-graduate student at the Medicinal University of Gdansk, Poland

·        On 30 November 2000: Qualified of Ph.D degree of Pharmacy: Medical University of Gdansk, Poland.

·        Since April 2001: Assistant Professor in the department of Pharmacogonsy and Pharmaceutical Chemistry

·         On 5 May 2001: Head of the department of Pharmacogonsy and Pharmaceutical Chemistry

·        Since Jan. 2007: Associate Professor

·        On 26 June 2009: Dean of the faculty of pharmacy

·        I have taught the following subjects: Pharmaceutical Chemistry Instrumental advance Quality Control

Besides, I am a supervisor of student projects which are essential for obtaining the Bachelor of Pharmacy (B. Pharm.) in the fields of pharmaceutical chemistry and Quality control. Also assessed the thesis of master degree and the publishing papers.


1)     M. A. Al-Haj. Thyroid Gland Diseases in Aden Governorate, Vol. 10, No. 25,1985 Sociality Health Magazine, Public Health Ministry, Aden, Yemen.


2)     M. A. Al-Haj, A.A. Abduraboo, Stability Study of Sulbutamol Sulphate Dispersions, 425 (1995) 20 Chemist Union Magazine, Aden, Yemen.


3)      M.A. Al-Haj, P. Haber, R. Kaliszan, B. Buszewski, M.

Jezierska, Z. Chilmoczyk, Mechanism of separation on cholesterol-silica stationary phase for high-performance liquid chromatography as revealed by analysis of quantitative structure-retention relationships, J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 18 (1998) 721.

4)     M.A. Al-Haj, R. Kaliszan, A. Nasal, Test analytes for studies of the molecular mechanism of chromatographic separations by quantitative structure retention relationships, Anal. Chem. 71(1999) 2976.

5)     Mehdi Ahmed Al-Haj, Roman Kaliszan, Boguslaw Buszewski Quantitativ Retention Relationships with Model Analysis as a Means of an Objective Evaluation of Chromatographic Columns, J. Chromatogr. Sci. , Vol. 39, No (1) January 2001, pp. 29-38.


6)     R. Kaliszan, M.A. Al-Haj, A. Nasal, Propozycja serii analitw testowych do bada mechanizm?w rozdziele chromatograficznych w oparciu analiz QSRR, Chromatografia i inne techniki separacyjne u progu XXI, wieku, Torun 1999.


7)     M. A. Al.-Haj, R. Kaliszan, A. Nasal, Propozycja serii analit w testowych do bada molekularnych mechanizmw rozdziele chromatograficznych w oparciu  o ilociowe zale noaci struktura-retencia (QSRR), IV Polish-Ukranian symposium on ,, Theoritical and experimental studies of interfacial phenomena and their technological applications & X Chromatographic conference science- industry  ,,Chromatographic methods in the analysis of food, Lublin, Poland, Sep.1999.

8)     Mehdi. A. Al-Haj, Hussein A. Ba-Katheir Stability Study of Different Brands of Amoxycillin Oral Suspensions, University of Aden Journal in volume 7 No. (3), pp 589-597, Dec. 2003.


9)     Mehdi. A. Al-Haj, Assessment of the Stability of different Brands of Ampicillin Oral Suspension. Yemen Journal of Medical and Health Research, Vol. 2, No (1), pp 83-95, May 2003.


10)                       Mehdi A. Al-Haj, Bioequivalence study of Propranolol HCl tablets, University of Aden Journal of Natural and applied sciences, vol. , No 2, pp 387, August 2004.


11)                        Abdul Rahman Alawi, Mehdi A.  Al-Haj, Estimation of Constituent of Hudaibo Water, Soqotran Conference, Aden, 2005

12)                        Mehdi A. Al-Haj, Comparison study of new spectrophotometric assay of Methyldopa Tablets, Journal of Natural and applied science, vol. 9, No 1 Apr. 2005

13)                        Nasser  A. Ali, Mehdi A. Al-Haj, Anis A. Ali, "determination of Pesticides  residues in Qat leaves by solid-phase extraction and high-performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection" , The international Yemeni-Cuban Medical Conference, 30 years of South-South Collaboration in Medical Education, 25-28 Dec. 2005.

14)                        Mehdi A. Al-Haj, Nasser A. Awadh Ali, Anis A. Ali, Survey of Pesticides used in Qat cultivation in Dhale’ and Yafe’ and their adverse effects, University of Aden Journal of Natural and applied sciences, vol. 9, No 1 Apr. 2005

15)                        Nasser A. Awadh Ali, Mehdi A. Al-Haj, The in Vitro Antimicrobial Activity of Some Yemeni Medicinal Plants, University of Aden Journal of Natural and applied sciences, Vol. 9, No. 3 Dec.. 2005

16)         Nasser A. Awadh Ali, Mehdi A. Al-Haj, Martina Wurster, Ulrike Lindequistc, Chemical Composition and Antifungal Activity of Essential Oil of Soqotraen Pulicaria stephanocarpa Balf. Fil, University of Aden Journal of Natural and applied sciences, Vol.13, No (2) 2009

17)                        Mehdi A. Al-Haj, Naser A. Ghaleb, Muhgat A. Ali, Ahlam Hibatulla, Quality Control of Different Commercial Brands of Mefenamic Acid Tablets as an Anti-Inflammatory and Analgesic Agent, The First Dental Conference, The 10th Anniversary of Foundation , College Dentistry. 

18)                        Screening of Anti-oxidant and Anti-fungal Properties for Extracts from Endemic Soqotran Medical Plants, Nasser A. Awadh Ali, Norbert Arnold,  Mehdi A. Al-Haj, Axel Teichert, Ludger Wessjohann, University of Aden Journal of  Natural and applied sciences, Vol.12, No (3) 2008

19)                        Study of the Chemical Compositions of the Ocimum Basilicum Lamiaceae by Gas Chromatography-Mass SpectrometryNasser A. Awadh Ali*1, Mehdi A. Al-Haj, Martina Wurster3, Ulrike Lindequist3 ,Accepted to publish in Yemeni Journal of Medical and Health Research, Aden, Yemen


20)                        Chemical Compositions of the Essential oil of Commiphora. habessinica Growing in Yemen: Gas Chromatography-Mass spectrometry Analysis Accepted to publish in Yemeni Journal of Medical and Health Research, Aden, Yemen


21)مهدي أحمد الحاج, محمد عامر المارديني, عادل نوفل "تقييم أقراص التاموكسيقبن 10 ملج لشركات دوائية مختلفة متداولة في سوق الدواء اليمني كمضادة لسرطان الثدي" بحث قبل للنشر في مجلة جامعة دمشق للعلوم الصحية

22)عادل نوفل, محمد عامر المارديني, مهدي أحمد الحاج "دراسة مقارنة لأقراص حمض الميفيناميك 500 ملج المسجلة نضاميا وغير النضامية (المهربة) كمسكن وكمضاد التهاب غير ستيرودي لشركات دوائية مختلفة" قبل للنشر في المجلة العربية للعلوم الصيدلية.تصدر عن الجمعية العلمية لكليات الصيدلة