آخر تحديث :الثلاثاء-22 أكتوبر 2024-01:13م
جامعة عدن

استاذ دكتور محمد عبد الله عقلان

تاريخ ومحل الميلاد

1952م  تعــز

تاريخ التعيين


تاريخ الحصول على الدكتوراه

معادلة دكتوراه 1994  برليـن - المانيا

الدرجة العلمية الحالية

أستاذ مساعد

التخصص العام


التخصص الدقيق

أمراض باطنية

تلفون المنزل والموبايل



البريد الالكتروني













• Associated prof.Dr. Mohammed Abdullah M. Aklan

Date of birth: 02/11/1952

Citizenship: Republic of Yemen.

- Primary and preparatory school, Moalla-Aden

1960 - 1970.

- Secondary school Khormaksar Aden 1970 – 1973.

- Ministry of Education as Teacher 1973 – 1975.

• Qualification:

  1.  Specialist (Facharzt) of internal medicine – Charite, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany 1994.

  2.  Diploma of tropical diseases, Berlin-Buch Hospital, Germany 1994.

  3.  MD-University of Rostock, Germany 1982.

• Current profession:

Vice Rector of Aden University for higher studies and scientific research since 2014 (March).

• Experiences:

  1.  General practitioner-military hospital in Sana'a 1982 – 1988.

  2.  General Director of public health – branch Aden 1994 – 1998.

  3. Lecturer in the faculty of medicine from 1998 up to now.

  4. General Coordinator and Supervisor of physicians and health manpower qualification (DIPLOMA) –Aden 1995 – 1998.

  5.  Supervisor of National Immunization days (NIDs) – Aden 1994 – 1998.

  6.  Vice Dean of Medical Colleque for Teaching hospitals Aden University 2013 – 2014.

  7.  Vice-president of National of cancer control foundation Aden since 2013.

• Courses:

- Local courses:

  1.  Since 1994 I participated, locally in many workshops, symposiums and seminars in the fields internal medicine, communicable disease and public health sciences.

  2.  ourses: teaching skills and research methodology in the faculty of medicine, University of Aden.

- Abroad courses:

  1.  Public health administration, Berlin 1996 Germany.

  2.  Health Care Management: University of Jordan 1995.

  3.  WHO/EMRO, Polio Surveillance 1998 – 1999.

• Multiple publications.